Top 5 Off-Meta Decks to Try in MTG Pauper this 2025

The goal of Pauperbrews is, and always will be, to showcase the latest successful and enjoyable off-meta decks that can be either fun or competitive in our beloved format. Today, I will highlight five unique decks that have achieved undefeated records in MTGO Leagues.

Before diving into the decks, it's important to note that results in Leagues can sometimes be misleading. For instance, favorable pairings can significantly influence outcomes. If your deck is strong against Mono-Red and you happen to face that archetype three or four times, which is quite possible in Pauper due to the format's nature, your results might not fully represent your deck's overall performance. This isn't inherently negative, as it reflects the current metagame, but it’s worth considering.

Another factor to keep in mind is the social dynamics of Leagues. In some cases, players at 4-0 may agree to split prizes, leading to one player conceding in exchange for having their deck appear as a 5-0 list.

Regardless of these nuances, the following are decks that have proven themselves through solid performance and creative design. 

Kudos to these amazing MTGO pilots to manage these awesome results: chenjesu, Lord_Thistledown, GianB52, Natalino_91 and rsousa.

Let's dive in!

Table of Contents

Eldrazi Tribal

This mostly Gruul version of Eldrazi Tribal is a deck that focuses on creating 0/1 Eldrazi tokens to generate mana. [card]Writhing Chrysalis[/card], arguably one of the best cards in Pauper right now, is clearly the centerpiece. It grows and adds mana, even when it’s countered, making it a key component of the deck’s strategy.

I like how the deck runs different cards that serve distinct purposes but still align with the overall game plan. For example, [card]Rancor[/card] provides a big buff for your large Chrysalis, while [card]Makeshift Munitions[/card] lets you make use of your tokens. [card]Distant Melody[/card] is also a great choice, letting you draw multiple cards for just four mana.

Additionally, [card]Sylvok Lifestaff[/card] is a solid addition, offering lifegain that helps you compete against aggressive Mono-Red decks. Overall, it’s a well-rounded deck with a manabase that consists of just Forest and [card]Springleaf Drum[/card], keeping things simple and efficient.

Temur Energy

Another deck that caught my attention is this Izzet build splashing green for [card]Writhing Chrysalis[/card].

I’ve dubbed it "Temur Energy" because of the inclusion of cards like [card]Attune with Aether[/card], [card]Galvanic Discharge[/card], and [card]Aether Spike[/card], which generate energy and make your spells more impactful as they accumulate.

Outside of that, it mostly looks like Izzet Control with the introduction of some green cards like [card]Malevolent Rumble[/card] that synergizes beautifully with the rest of the deck.

Reckless Fireweaver Combo

At first glance, this may seem like your typical Grixis Affinity deck, with one key difference: it wins using [card]Steelfin Whale[/card] and [card]Reckless Fireweaver[/card].

When paired with [card]Retraction Helix[/card], the combo allows you to target the Whale with the spell, causing it to bounce your other colorless affinity permanents. You can recast them, untap the Whale, and repeat the process over and over again.

To protect the combo, three copies of [card]Metallic Rebuke[/card] in the main deck serve their purpose. However, you can also play this deck like a standard Affinity build and surprise your opponent with the combo for the win.

Dredge Madness

Throughout 2024, we’ve seen multiple versions of Madness, especially with the release of Sneaky [card]Snacker[/card] in Modern Horizons 3. We’ve also witnessed the rise of decks like Jund Dredge, fueled by [card]Lotleth Giant[/card].

This deck combines the best of both strategies, delivering unexpected damage to your opponents. It’s not your typical Rakdos Madness deck; instead, it’s a mono-red-based build that uses the Dredge mechanic to quickly fill your graveyard in just a few turns.

Naya Gates

Naya Gates may not be the newest deck around, but it’s always worth mentioning as a reminder of another deck that uses [card]Basilisk Gate[/card] to win games. This version incorporates [card]Writhing Chrysalis[/card], along with a few other key cards like [card]Clockwork Percussionist[/card] and [card]Thraben Charm[/card], which were printed in 2024 and have been excellent additions to various Pauper decks. [card]Armadillo Cloak[/card] is also a fantastic inclusion, as it pairs well with both your Eldrazi and the Gates package, significantly boosting the deck’s overall potential.

Tips for Building and Piloting Off-Meta Decks in Pauper

When you’re diving into off-meta decks in Pauper, the first thing you’ll want to do is understand the current metagame. Take a look at the top decks and see where they’re weak. This helps you figure out how to build a deck that can catch people off guard. Look for synergies or cards that aren’t getting enough attention—those are often where the magic happens in off-meta decks.

You also want your deck to have a solid game plan. Make sure you’ve got a clear win condition and that your cards work well together. Playtesting is key, so don’t skip it—test your deck against the most common decks to see how it holds up. Be open to feedback, but don’t feel like you have to make every change someone suggests. Stick to what works for your strategy.

Don’t forget your sideboard! In Pauper, sideboarding can make or break your matches, so make sure you have answers to the big threats in the meta, whether it’s artifacts, graveyards, or aggro decks. And be patient—off-meta decks often take time to fine-tune. Expect some losses at first, but learn from them. And most importantly, have fun with it! Off-meta decks are all about being creative and surprising people, so enjoy the ride!

The Evolving Pauper Metagame in 2025

Since the introduction of Basking Broodscale six months ago, Pauper has been stuck in a stale metagame, with the same decks—Affinity and Burn—dominant at the top while others struggle to catch up. However, remember that sometimes it only takes a single card to revive an older, forgotten strategy. For example, [card]Sadistic Glee[/card] made its way back into the Pauper metagame, bringing a fresh, new dominant deck into the spotlight. As new sets and mechanics are released, don’t forget that older cards can also regain popularity.

That said, the rest of the metagame is still in play, but notably, blue decks have been less powerful in recent years. The decks that have been performing well are often those that can run eight copies of [card]Hydroblast[/card] without derailing their overall strategy, like Mono-Blue Delver.

Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing a [card]Daze[/card] unban or something similar, but that’s a discussion for another day.

Conclusion: Taking the Road Less Traveled in Pauper

As you can see, there are still plenty of off-meta decks waiting to be discovered in Pauper that can be highly effective when built thoughtfully, keeping popular cards and the broader metagame in mind.

One important thing to remember is to have a solid game plan, regardless of what others might say. People are often hesitant to embrace change, and you'll likely hear comments like, “But this version is less convoluted.” (This happened to me during the early iterations of Poison Storm when people dismissed it as just a slower Burn deck.) Don’t let it discourage you—it doesn’t matter as long as you’re enjoying the process and having fun!

Thank you for reading, and as always, take care. I’ll see you in my next article!

Where to Play Pauper?

I have compiled a list of places to play Pauper, mostly IRL. The address may vary, but it's a helpful place to start and check if some of them are near you. They may not play Pauper every day, so it's always a good idea to ask before traveling.


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