Pauper Meta Report - Pauper Will NOT Change
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Pauper Brews
Pauper seems set to stay the same, with no major changes happening anytime soon. This is the message that the Pauper Format Panel (PFP) has been sending throughout the year, and the lack of ban changes on October 16th further emphasized this.
Before we dive deeper, I want to highlight a few points. My intention isn't to criticize or side with the PFP. They're simply the individuals chosen to represent the format and have the authority to make changes. The opinions in this article are solely mine, based on what I've observed as an active player in this format. They are subjective and reflect my personal viewpoint.
With that clarified, let's proceed.
The Facts
I get why they chose not to change anything. They seem to view the paper and online environments as distinct entities rather than a unified whole. Also, it must be quite a challenge to balance the format, especially with the numerous sets released within a single year.
- Phyrexia: All Will Be One – February 10th, 2023
- March of the Machine – April 21st, 2023
- The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth – June 23rd, 2023
- Commander Masters – August 4th, 2023
- Wilds of Eldraine – September 8th, 2023
- The Lost Caverns of Ixalan – November 17th, 2023
It's been a cycle of new sets launching every few months. It must be tough to assess how cards affect the format using data, especially with the increasing power of cards in Pauper over recent years. I believe the turning point began with MH2 across all eternal formats, and for Pauper, it doubled with the downshift of Monastery Swiftspear.
My Opinion
There are some improvement opportunities for the format that can be implemented towards 2024, based on my opinion and what I saw happen through this year.
Treat the format as a whole.
Undoubtedly, there's a significant divide in the format currently. On one side, there's frustration with the outcomes and the fast pace of the online meta, leading to attempts to label it as broken by any means. On the flip side, there are those happy with the avoidance of problematic decks, acknowledging the differing metas between local game stores (LGS) and even larger tournaments.
In any case, I believe it's important to find a middle ground to keep both sides happy to some extent. It's crucial to address cards that, over time, have proven to make the game less enjoyable, irrespective of whether it's online or in paper play.
Consistent updates
If the pattern for the near future involves waiting until a new set is released to evaluate its impact, it might simply replicate what occurred in 2023: no intervention whatsoever. Naturally, if an overpowered card like Chatterstorm surfaces once more, there's little doubt that action would be taken. However, if that action is so anticipated, it wouldn't be much different from a standard B&R (Ban & Restriction).
The issue with the current handling is the lack of a clear expectation of when updates are expected from the PFP. For instance, if the information source is Gavin's YouTube channel, he shares Pauper-related content every 4-5 months, amounting to about three times a year for a format where the prevailing narrative has been: "Everything is fine."
For better or for worse, the PFP began strongly when initially created, addressing matters promptly and at a decent pace. However, in 2023, it appears they have considerably slowed down.
Data is King
Finally, I'm a huge fan of numbers and data as they act as a tool to support decisions and offer transparency. I hope to see more of this in the future because, at present, it hasn't really materialized. All we have are impressions but nothing concrete in terms of results for both the online and paper environments.
Top Decks of the Week
Recently, Faeries seem to be making a comeback in the metagame. This resurgence makes sense because previous challenges were dominated by Caw-Gates, evident in many top 8 appearances and challenge wins, including last Saturday's results. Dimir Faeries appear to have a decent matchup against Caw-Gates, particularly if they can prevent the first Squadron Hawk from hitting the board. Despite this, Caw-Gates remains a potent deck and is well positioned in the current meta, equipped to overcome nearly any other deck, with the exception of Ponza or Familiars.
Similarly on Sunday, notable Faeries players secured victories in the top eight, with just one Caw-Gates deck making an appearance. What's intriguing is the emergence of decks like Walls Combo and Gruul Ponza, signaling a response to the rise of Caw-Gates as the primary deck to defeat.
Additionally, only four burn decks appeared, which seems logical if Caw-Gates, particularly with its eight Hydroblasts, is prevalent. However, the moment opposing players lower their defenses, don't be surprised to witness a triumphant return of burn decks.
Deck of the Week Award
It's quite endearing to witness Infect decks attempting a comeback, but it seems like we'd benefit from having more affordable creatures carrying the iconic keyword in green to reduce the reliance on the challenging blue splash. Embiggen stands out as a valuable addition for the online meta, and I'm eager to witness this deck achieving greater consistency.
Event Promotion
Wrap Up
I absolutely adore playing Pauper; it's my go-to format, and I wish to see it attract more players. To achieve this, it's essential to emphasize its strengths, such as the vast diversity and accessibility it offers, while also pinpointing areas that could be managed better for improvement.
Thank you so much for reading up to this point! We'll be bringing more content throughout the rest of the week. Take care, and until we meet again next time!
Where to Play Pauper?
I have compiled a list of places to play Pauper, mostly IRL. The address may vary, but it's a helpful place to start and check if some of them are near you. They may not play Pauper every day, so it's always a good idea to ask before traveling.
If you want your Pauper LGS added, send an email with the details to:
*I do receive a lot of requests, so please be patient if it doesn’t get added right away, and don’t hesitate to resend it If I haven’t added them yet.
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