Commander Masters will Shake the Pauper Meta. Commander Masters's full spoiler is released, and between August 3rd and 4th, we can play with all the cards to its full potential in MTGO. For now, if you already have the cards online, you can fire practice rooms on the freeform queue. Undoubtedly, one of the most hyped cards from the set has been All That Glitters , as it represents a huge win condition for Boggles, but most notably, yet another tool for Affinity to exploit. With that in mind, here is the list of all the other cards that got downshifted to Pauper. White Red Green Artifacts Blue Black All that Glitters Blood Aspirant Crash of Rhino Beetles Brass Knuckles Cryptic Serpent Carrion Grub Ministrant of Obligation Cyclops Electromancer Crawling Infestation Campfire Filigree Attendant Demon's Disciple Myrsmith Dwarven Hammer Rot Shambler Firemind Vessel Goliath Sphinx Dread Return Spectral Grasp Guttersnipe Skysnare Spider Vulshok ...